Have you ever wondered why you like some voices and dislike others, and why some speakers manage to attract attention and influence others, e.g., in podcasts or YouTube channels? And are you aware that age, gender, health, stress, alcohol level, and even the menstruation cycle is contained in the acoustics of voices? My lecture provides answers to these questions by looking behind the scenes of the acoustics of the speech signal – which is still the most commonly heard signal on this planet. Based on these insights, we will further see how voice acoustics also matter for robots and what we can learn from voice acoustics for industrial sound design. You will take home some basic physics of acoustics and exciting new insights about yourself and your voice.
Institut for Mekanik og Elektronik SDU
Torsdag d. 25. Januar 2024
kl. 19.00- 21.00
Alle er velkomne, men denne aktivitet er mest for: