UNF / Aktiviteter / 15. marts 2018 • Hvordan bygger man en satellit?

Hvordan bygger man en satellit?

Aarhus University is going to Space
Foredrag ved Victoria Antoci

UNF Aarhus

OBS! Foredraget er på engelsk.

Humanity launched its first satellite only 60 years ago, but today satellites are standard tools for communication and studying both Earth and Space. Most of these space missions, however, are very expensive and require long preparation times. With recent technological advances cube satellites with a size of only 10cm x 10cm x 10cm offer unique opportunities for research and education. As part of a new Space Programme, Aarhus University will be launching its very first satellite. This mission, to be deployed from the International Space Station in 2018, is called Delphini-1 and is a CubeSat equipped with a camera that will take pictures of the Earth and potentially observe the variability of stars. Aarhus University students will assemble the satellite and operate the spacecraft once launched. In this talk we will follow Delphini-1 on its journey from construction, to launch, and throughout its lifetime until it burns up in the atmosphere.

Det anbefales at møde senest 15 minutter før arrangementer, da vi ellers vil frigive reserverede pladser.

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Assistant professor, Aarhus universitet, Institut for fysik og astronomi.


Praktisk info


Torsdag d. 15. Marts 2018

kl. 17.15- 19.00

Auditorium E, Institut for Matematik, Aarhus Universitet

Ny Munkegade 118
8000 Aarhus C